четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

Searching for inner peace?

Starting Tuesday, a 100-acre plot just southeast of Bloomington,Ind., figures to be the closest thing this side of Tibet to Nirvana -the divine state of being that Buddhists hope to attain.

That's because the Dalai Lama, spiritual and political leader ofTibetan Buddhism, will take up residence there through Aug. 27.

About 7,000 people a day are expected to attend various Buddhistevents surrounding the Dalai Lama's stay near the Indiana Universitycampus.

Bloomington is a Tibetan Buddhist stronghold. One of the DalaiLama's brothers is a retired Indiana University professor who 20years ago set up the Tibetan Cultural Center outside Bloomington. Atthat time, the …

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